For petrol and diesel engines with or without turbocharger.
Add contents to the engine oil when the engine is warm.
Operate vehicle normally.
One bottle treats 3 to 6 litres of engine oil.
For petrol and diesel engines.
Wynn’s Hydraulic Valve Lifter Treatment is an oil soluble supplement developed to clean away internal engine deposits that create noise and reduce efficiency.
In StockFor petrol and diesel engines with or without turbocharger.
Add contents to the engine oil when the engine is warm.
Operate vehicle normally.
One bottle treats 3 to 6 litres of engine oil.
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Wynn’s Diesel Emission Reducer is a chemical treatment for diesel engines that reduces exhaust emissions and improves engine performance and fuel economy. It prevents the negative effects of water in diesel fuel.
The Comma Petrol Magic is designed from petrol engines that run on Unleaded and LRP fuel. The solution is poured into the petrol tank. The 400ml can treat up to 60 litres of petrol from the highly concentrated solution.
Not only will the treatment help to remove any harmful deposits on the fuel injector, but also can increase engine performance, fuel economy and reduce emissions from your vehicle. With the treatment working while you drive your car normally; it means no time is wasted in cleaning your fuel injectors.
Wynn’s Automatic Transmission and Power Steering Stop Leak and Conditioner is an oil soluble supplement developed to stop and prevent leaks and ease shifting of automatic gearboxes and power steering systems.
Cataclean® Diesel cleans, restores and protects the entire engine, fuel and exhaust system.
Simply pour into your fuel tank every 3 months (or every 3000 miles) and Cataclean® will remove harmful carbon and resin deposits. With long term use Cataclean® can protect against build-up and clogging which can prevent failure of your engine, DPF and exhaust system parts.
Cataclean® can assist with your MOT inspection by bringing down emissions by up to 60% – the difference between a pass and a fail.
Cataclean® increases MPG (miles per gallon) saving you money on your fuel. Plus by using Cataclean, there is no need to use premium fuel, more savings to you.
Cataclean® will improve BHP, torque and throttle response, improving overall vehicle performance.